Manage Elasticsearch

A Lambda function is included that provides Elasticsearch management functions from within the AWS Lambda Console. Navigate to the Lambda functions console for the region the sat-api stack has been deployed to and locate the stackName-manager Lambda function. From here you can configure test events that consist of a JSON payload.

    "action": action,
    "index": "items" or "collections"

Unless it has been changed in the code, the main index used in the Elasticsearch instance will always be sat-api. The action parameter can be:

  • putMapping: Puts a new mapping for indexing. This is done automatically during ingestion if it does not already exist so should never need to be used directly.

  • deleteIndex: This deletes the index. Use with caution!

  • listIndices: This returns a list of all indices. Unless some have been added should include 'items', 'collections' and '.kibana'

  • reindex: Spawns a reindexing of all records

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